examen pour TLM en génétique clinique de février 2019

examen pour TLM en génétique clinique de février 2019
Vous devez être connecté pour vous inscrire aux examens. If you have recently applied for membership to receive the membership discount rate for the examination, please be advised that it can take up to 48 hours for the member rate to take effect. Before you submit your application for exam, please verify you are paying the member rate. ensure you have the most recent handbook as the prices have changed. be advised, effective January 1, 2018, the College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Manitoba (CMLTM), the provincial regulator, has final authority on the eligibility of all exam candidates writing in Manitoba. Cela concerne tous les candidats aux examens de certification des TLM qui écrivent au Manitoba. Even though a candidate has met their education eligibility requirements, the CMLTM also requires candidates to meet language proficiency requirements. Nous vous recommandons de contacter CMLTM pour vous assurer de pouvoir passer l'examen de certification TLM au Manitoba. www.cmltm.ca
Online registration not available.